Fertilizer Production Expansion Program Environmental Review Comment Submissions
The Fertilizer Production Expansion Program (FPEP) is part of a whole-of-government effort to promote competition in agricultural markets. The funds are being made available through the Commodity Credit Corporation pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 714c(b), to support the production and marketing of agricultural commodities. Through FPEP, USDA is supporting new and expanded supplies of fertilizer and alternatives that play the same role as fertilizer to U.S. farmers as a key input necessary for production of agricultural commodities. Grants will be used to support independent, innovative and sustainable American fertilizer production to supply American farmers. Funds also will expand the manufacturing and processing of fertilizer and nutrient alternatives in the U.S. and its territories.
In response to prior feedback requesting more time for public comment on the environmental and related impact of USDA-funded projects, USDA is seeking comments from the public on the projects pertaining to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA).
The projects listed below have been determined complete and eligible and are potential candidates to receive FPEP funding through the second round of FPEP. This initial comment period is occurring at the beginning of the environmental review process to supplement the standard process. This public comment period is not a substitute for the usual environmental review process but an extension of it. In addition to other reviews, the next step in the application processing is to complete the NEPA, NHPA and Tribal Historic Preservation Office review for the projects. Inclusion on the list below is not a guarantee of funding for the applicant.
Applicants were given an opportunity to provide or correct information in the project list. Applicants have been advised that construction activities should not begin until the environmental review has been completed.
Additional Information
- FPEP - https://www.rd.usda.gov/fpep
- NEPA – https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-national-environmental-policy-act
- Section 106 (NHPA) – https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/all-programs/water-environmental-programs/section-106-review-basics
- Nationwide Programmatic Agreement - https://www.rd.usda.gov/sites/default/files/USDA_RD_Nationwide_Programmatic_Agreement.pdf
Potential Candidates Project List
Potentially Viable Projects Lists
Public comments Request
The public was invited to provide comments regarding the FPEP applicants. There were three public comment periods in 2023 and the list of applicants are available above. The submission deadline for FPEP is now closed.