Welcome! USDA actively collaborates across its mission areas and with other federal agencies and partners to support rural health. While many parts of USDA fund programs, conduct research, or provide technical assistance related to rural health, the 2018 Farm Bill also designated a specific role for USDA in promoting rural health: the USDA Rural Health Liaison.
On this page you will find resources and links to help rural communities address health and the factors that influence health in their communities.
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Rural communities face unique challenges and barriers that impact health, such as fewer health care providers and medical facilities, greater distances to travel for care, and other factors that can influence care, such as transportation options, availability of healthy foods, and access to safe housing. These factors are often referred to as social determinants of health and can impact the health of individuals and the entire community.
USDA Rural Development has programs and resource guides that are developed to provide rural communities access to opportunities that create impactful solutions to improve rural health.
Other USDA Agency programs and opportunities to improve rural health:
The USDA has many programs and resources that can support rural communities improve their health and quality of life, but many programs do not have “health” in the title or description. To help rural community leaders and others to identify which USDA programs and resources can help improve a rural community’s health, a USDA Rural Health Inventory tool has been developed.
Rural health programs are the emphasis, but this library is inclusive of all health programs.
As part of the National Rural Health Day celebration, USDA Rural Development developed new tools and resources for rural communities.
USDA Rural Health Liaison, Kellie Kubena, will highlight the USDA rural health website, where to find resources, and introduce the USDA Rural Health Program Index tool. In addition, Kasey Martin, RD Innovation Center’s Branch Chief of Research and Program Evaluation, will share how to take advantage of the Rural Data Gateway to find relevant USDA-RD data for your rural community and opportunities for how to use it.
Review the presentation slides here. Review the recording of the webinar here
The following links include tools and resources to help rural community leaders, industry, educators, and others understand the challenges and programs available to support the rural health of individuals and communities.