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Search Results: 31 Stories
Peace, Love, and Harmony
A continuous partnership between USDA Rural Development and Mountain T.O.P. has helped more than 300 families in the Cumberland Plateau with much needed home repairs. Mountain T.O.P. has received a total of 12 Housing Preservation Grants to help qualified very-low and low… [Read More]
Welding for a Better Workforce
For the rural residents of Fentress County, access to training programs that provide the advanced skills needed to compete for available jobs can be challenging. Traveling outside the area for training is expensive and often conflicts with current employment. Welding is one… [Read More]
A Single Mother's Blessing
"It is truly a blessing to come home each day to our peaceful environment," said Amanda Gilliard. The goal of graduating from college and purchasing a home for her family has been realized. For the last seven years, Amanda has maintained full-time employment, complete a four-… [Read More]
April Showers Bring May Flowers...and the Need for a New Roof
Barbara Cagle is an avid gardener and knows how important the early spring rains are to her flowers. This year however, the April showers threatened the safety of her home. Barbara, who lives in Tracy City, Tenn which is a persistent poverty county, knew when her roof started to… [Read More]
Last Piece of the Puzzle Lands Expansion
The last piece of this business expansion puzzle must be USDA Rural Development. Excel Boats, LLC determined in Fall 2017 they wanted to expand their business. At the time, the company was building aluminum boats at their only manufacturing plant in Mountain View, Ark.… [Read More]
10kW Solar Array Powers Small Business
As a large producer of grapes and a connoisseur of wine, Bill Sanderson had a dream to own a Winery that offered a Tasting Facility and Event Hall. Construction costs and future operating expenses were a major obstacle for business owners, Bill and Marjie Sanderson. Discussing… [Read More]
Broadband Service Changing Lives in Rural Tennessee
North Central Telephone Cooperative (NCTC) recently completed construction of more than 1,000 miles of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) facilities making broadband service available to approximately 14,000 households, 951 businesses, and 48 strategic institutions. … [Read More]
Claybrook Farms Providing Beef and Jobs
Even though Claybrook Farms had a long standing reputation for its excellent Black Angus cattle breeding operation, the new owner wanted to broaden the farm’s horizon.The Turner family purchased the 700 acre Claybrook Farms in 1975 growing it to over 1,000 acres and adding the… [Read More]
Dream of Homeownership Becomes Reality
Earlier this year, Nancy Griffin of Dyer County decided she no longer wanted to rent an apartment that was too small for her family. With the idea of wanting a bigger home, she set out to explore what financing options were available.
Griffin’s realtor Thelma Stutts of First… [Read More]
Federal, State and Local Partnership Brings Farmers Market to Life
Town of Ashland City Mayor Richard Johnson was concerned about the sagging agricultural economy and lack of facilities for their Farmers Market. Reaching out last year to state and federal partners the Town of Ashland City received a USDA Rural Development Rural Business… [Read More]