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Search Results: 98 Stories
Home repair leads to forgotten memories
As the days get longer and warmer, the sound of hammers against rooftops are a common sound echoing across neighborhoods as homeowners replace old shingles weathered by time, harsh South Dakota winters, and the strong spring winds that blow across the prairie.
But replacing a… [Read More]
South Dakota
Working together for homeownership
The saying ‘it takes a village’ can carry many meanings. For Aberdeen resident Michael Mitchell, it meant multiple organizations coming together to help homeowners like him find and purchase an affordable home.
Through a partnership between USDA Rural Development (RD), Homes… [Read More]
South Dakota
Routine Servicing Leads to New Projects
When communities look to expand facilities, often they’ll call on Rural Development to learn what loan and grant opportunities might provide support.
Rural Development Community Facility Program Loan Specialists like Katie Hammer offer a valuable resource for those communities… [Read More]
South Dakota
Winning in Winner with Advanced Technology
Giving patients the best and most thorough mammography screening experience is so important to a rural community, but the technology doesn’t last forever.
That’s exactly what Winner Regional Health experienced when their aging two-dimensional (2D) mammography imaging wasn’t… [Read More]
South Dakota
Keeping Streets Cleared in Ravinia
When winter arrives in South Dakota, Ravinia citizens rely on the township to clear two miles of local roads. Keeping local roads clear allows residents to get to and from work. When their equipment prevents them from clearing the roads, it makes the morning commute a bit more… [Read More]
South Dakota
New Technology for Burke, South Dakota Businesses
Technology has become a very important aspect of everyday life. Families, schools, governments, and businesses all use some form of technology to reach people and disseminate information or services.
Rural communities like Burke, South Dakota, were among the many… [Read More]
South Dakota
I was paying for something I knew I would never own
Vikki Shoulders has lived on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation her entire life. At 46, she always dreamed of owning her own home, but on the reservation, there weren’t many options. While renting offered many benefits, she knew she was paying for something she would never own… [Read More]
South Dakota
Making A Splash in Rural South Dakota
Growing up, we all remember visiting the local pool or water park. Lifeguards blew a whistle warning us to slow down as we dashed to the refreshing water on dangerous slippery, molten-hot concrete.
But today’s pools, water parks and splash pads are much safer thanks to… [Read More]
South Dakota
Creating A Haven for Native American Homeowners
The journey to homeownership is often filled with anxiety, unknowns, frustrations and eventually excitement as you move into your home. For Shalyn Janis, this journey began in 2018. She had been trying to buy a home for a while when she heard about USDA’s Native Relending,… [Read More]
South Dakota
Center Keeps Selby Citizens Safe
Nestled on Selby's eastern edge sits the Walworth County Care Center. The center originally opened in the 1960s and has served the area’s 5,300 residents for over six decades. But in 2018, the owners of the center deemed it unprofitable and notified staff the facility would be… [Read More]
South Dakota