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Search Results: 24 Stories
World Water Day logo

A Water Legacy in La Union MDSWA

Driving south bound with the Organ Mountains to my left you expect to see many things. Pecan farms, and Dairy farms sure, but also the beauty of southern New Mexico. If you continue on to Anthony NM, you will stumble onto a gem. Rural Development (RD) is no stranger to the area… [Read More]
Farmer cultivating produce

An Intensive Small Farm to Get Help from the Sun

Every morning around 6:30, Mathew Ladegaard opens the flow of water from his catchment pond to water his various crops. And each morning, he looks up and sees clouds in the distance and he hopes it’ll rain later in the day which will surely help his crops grow. Ladegaard’s… [Read More]
Man prepares to open electric box

USDA Funding Helps Mitigate Fire Risk for Electric Co-op Service Area

Many of us don’t often think about where the electricity comes from that powers the lights in our home and charges our cell phones. However, residents living in communities powered by Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Inc. can see where their power comes from. It is provided by… [Read More]
Two people standing in front of a water tank and water truck

USDA Grant Provides Water to Drought Struck Community

When we turn on the water faucet in our homes, most of us take for granted that water will pour out. It seems almost unimaginable to think that there might be a time when water would not flow. But three years ago, this situation became a reality for residents of a small… [Read More]
Lovington Mainstreet Executive Director Mara Salcido directs customers to the ‘Local Innovators Institute’ food truck called “Big Blue”

Developing Entrepreneurship in Lovington, N.M.

When the first class of the ‘Local Innovators Institute’ gathered in March of 2020 there was nothing but excitement. Why? Because everyone came to find out if their dreams of opening a restaurant would come true. The ‘Local Innovators Institute’ is a business development class… [Read More]
Staff from Back Yard Farms hold packages of apple chips that were  just produced and ready for sale using the freeze-drying method

What a great idea, how come nobody thought of this before?

The workers at Backyard Farms in Vado, New Mexico have barely begun another day of freeze-drying produce when another truck carrying hundreds of pounds of apples arrives to deliver its load. Since Backyard Farms began freeze drying food it’s become a beehive of activity. All… [Read More]

Feds Feed Families in New Mexico

New Mexico Rural Development Staff at Roadrunner Food Bank After many months of diligently working apart to serve New Mexicans during the pandemic the opportunity to come together at our annual State Employee meeting was very exciting… [Read More]
Freeze-dried fruit chips in plates on a table laid out for sampling.

Freeze Drying Lessens a Farmer’s Financial Risk Plus More

Rachael Ryan is a life-long farmer from southern New Mexico. Over the years she’s seen the ups and downs of her farming business called Back Yard Farms. --And she especially knows about the downs that come as an ag producer. She loves farming, but she knows farmers are at the… [Read More]
Jacqueline Begay's home under construction

The 502 Home Loan Program Make Dreams Come True

Jacqueline Begay had applied a couple of times in the past for Rural Development’s 502 home loan program. She dreamed of buying some land to place a manufactured house on it.  Ms. Begay wanted her own house because she and her son have been living with her family for the… [Read More]
Gertudis Fierro home under construction

Single mom gets a home for her family

Gertrudis Fierro was very excited when the mortgage loan on her new house closed on February 18th 2022. She said, “Owning my own house has so many pluses especially because I won’t have to pay rent,” something she’s been doing for the past four years. USDA Rural Development’s… [Read More]