Welcome to the Rural Data Gateway! For more than 80 years, USDA Rural Development (RD) has been financing infrastructure and housing throughout rural America. That mission has expanded over the decades, and today the loans, grants, and loan guarantees from Rural Development support everything from school buses to libraries and universities; ambulances to regional hospital centers; energy-efficient homes to electric and water utilities; broadband service to bio-fuels industries; local grocery stores to food processors, wholesalers, and much more.
The Rural Data Gateway strengthens USDA Rural Development partnerships with rural people, entrepreneurs, government officials and Congress by making RD’s data more available and easier to access.
following links includes dashboards, visualizations, maps, and other data tools that put RD’s data squarely in your hands.
Thanks to Rural Development’s ReConnect program, rural customers near Timber Lake now will have reliable internet service directly to their homes. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority recently received nearly $17 million to reach more than 180 rural households with high-speed fiber internet.
In the case of Shelby, Montana, rural residents here and beyond will benefit with increased access to quality, affordable health care at a new, state-of-the-art clinic.