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Single Family Housing Rural Disaster Home Repair Grants

This program is open all year until funds are expended.

Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Informational Video


What does this program do?

It provides grants to very-low and low-income homeowners to repair homes damaged in a Calendar Year (CY) 2022 Presidentially Declared Disaster Area. To determine your eligibility, review the list of Presidentially Declared Disasters by State and County. This list is subject to change.

Who can apply for this program?

To qualify, you must:

  • Be the homeowner and occupy the house (occupancy after repair can be authorized)
  • Have an adjusted household income within the very-low- and low-income limit
  • Properties must have sustained damage as a result of a CY 2022 Presidentially Declared Disaster

What is an eligible area?

Properties must be located in an eligible rural area. You can visit the USDA Income and Property Eligibility website for complete details.

What disaster areas are eligible?

Presidentially declared disaster areas in CY 2022 are eligible for this assistance. Filter for year (2022) and Declaration Type (Major Disaster and Fire Management Assistance).

How can funds be used?

  • Disaster related home repair expenses (including costs incurred prior to application).
  • Site preparation.
  • The cost to transfer a manufactured home.

How much money can I get?

  • Maximum Grant is $44,000.
  • Very-low income applicant may also be eligible to apply for the Single Family Housing Section 504 Home Repair Loans and Grant Program.

What are the terms of the grant?

Grant recipients must certify that there are no duplication of benefits with the award.

Is there a deadline to apply?

Applications are available year-round as long as funding is available, and are processed in the order they are received.

How do I get started?

Contact a USDA home loan specialist in your area.

What governs this program?

NOTE: Because citations and other information is subject to change, always consult the program instructions listed in the section above titled “What Governs This Program?” You can also contact your local office for assistance. You will find additional forms, resources, and program information at rd.usda.gov. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


NOTE: Please select your state using the "Select your location" menu above.  By doing so, any state specific forms and resources will be shown above this note.

Applicant Resources:

Applicants interested in applying for a repair loan or grant can contact their local Rural Development office and provide the following documentation:

Rural Development Staff and Application Packager Resources:

  • The Rural Disaster Home Repair Grants Worksheet is a tool designed to identify what type of assistance a homeowner may receive; however, is not a final eligibility determination.  The tool can be used to package 504 loans and grants.
  • Repair packagers are not subject to the certified packaging process for purchase loans. Information regarding the 504 packaging process can be found in HB-1-3550, Chapter 3, Attachment 3-A.
  • Repair packagers may sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the State Office.
  • Allowable packaging fees to any public, tribe or private nonprofit organizations may be included in repair loans and grants.
  • Packagers are encouraged to visit the Direct Loan Application Packagers page for information and resources specific to packaging Section 502 Home Purchase Program.

Contact your state office for questions.

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