REAP Stakeholder Announcement
The current Federal Register notice contains only Inflation Reduction Act funding. The Agency will post any additional amount of funding made available for Fiscal Year 2025 on the program website.
Federal Register Notices
- For applications received on or after October 16, 2024, please use the notice published in the Federal Register October 16, 2024, at 89 FR 83449.
- Link notice: 2024-23854.pdf (
- For applications received between July 2, 2024, and October 15, 2024, please use the notice published in the Federal Register March 31, 2023, at 88 FR 19239.
- Link notice: 2023-06376.pdf (
What does this program do?
The program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Agricultural producers may also apply for new energy efficient equipment and new system loans for agricultural production and processing.
Who may apply for this program?
- Agricultural producers
- An entity directly engaged in production of agricultural products where at least 50 percent of their gross income coming from agricultural operations.
- Small businesses
- Must be located in eligible rural areas and one of the following:
- Private for-profit entity (sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or Corporation)
- A Cooperative [including those qualified under Section 501(c)(12) of IRS Code]
- An electric utility (including a Tribal or governmental electric utility) that provides service to rural consumers and operates independent of direct government control)
- A Tribal corporation or other Tribal business entities that are chartered under Section 17 of the Indian Reorganization Act (25 USC 477) or have similar structures and relationships with their Tribal entity without regard to the resources of the Tribal government.
- Must meet the Small Business Administration size standards in accordance with 13 CFR 121.
- Must be located in eligible rural areas and one of the following:
NOTE: Agricultural producers and small businesses must have NO outstanding delinquent federal taxes, debt, judgment or debarment.
Who may qualify for loan guarantees?
Eligible borrowers are:
- Rural small businesses.
- Agricultural producers.
What are the borrowing restrictions for loan guarantees?
- Individual borrowers must be citizens of the United States or reside in the U.S. after being legally admitted for permanent residence.
- Private-entity borrowers must demonstrate that loan funds will remain in the U.S.
What is an eligible area?
- Projects must be located in rural areas with populations of 50,000 residents or less*.
- Check eligible rural areas
Agricultural producers may submit projects to be located in non-rural areas as long as the project is associated with an on-site production operation.
How may the funds be used?
Funds may be used for the purchase and installation of renewable energy systems, such as:
- Biomass (for example: biodiesel and ethanol, anaerobic digesters, and solid fuels).
- Geothermal for electric generation or direct use.
- Hydropower below 30 megawatts.
- Hydrogen.
- Small and large wind generation.
- Small and large solar generation.
- Ocean (tidal, current, thermal) generation.
Funds may also be used for the purchase, installation and construction of energy efficiency improvements, such as:
- High efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC).
- Insulation.
- Lighting.
- Cooling or refrigeration units.
- Doors and windows.
- Electric, solar or gravity pumps for sprinkler pivots.
- Switching from a diesel to electric irrigation motor.
- Replacement of energy-inefficient equipment.
Energy Efficiency Improvement applications must contain an Energy Audit, or Energy Assessment (depending on Total Project Costs) that complies with Appendix A to RD Instructions 4280-B
Agricultural producers may also use guaranteed loan funds to install energy efficient equipment and systems for agricultural production or processing.
What funding is available?
- Loan guarantees on loans up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs.
- Grants for up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs.
- Combined grant and loan guarantee funding up to 75% of total eligible project costs.
What is the maximum amount of a loan guarantee?
The loan guarantee percentage is published annually in a Federal Register notice. REAP loans approved in Fiscal Year 2025 will receive an 80 percent guarantee.
What are the loan guarantee terms?
The lender, with Agency concurrence, will establish and justify the guaranteed loan term based on the use of guaranteed loan funds, the useful economic life of the assets being financed and those used as collateral, and the borrower’s repayment ability. The loan term will not exceed 40 years.
What are the interest rates for the loan guarantee?
- Interest rates are negotiated between the lender and borrower.
- Rates may be fixed or variable.
- Variable interest rates may not be adjusted more often than quarterly.
What are the applicable fees for the loan guarantee?
- There is an initial guarantee fee, currently 1 percent of the guaranteed amount.
- There is a guarantee retention fee, currently 0.25 percent of the outstanding principal balance, paid annually.
- Reasonable and customary fees for loan origination are negotiated between the borrower and lender.
What are the underwriting requirements for the loan guarantee?
- The lender will conduct a credit evaluation using credit documentation procedures and underwriting processes that are consistent with generally accepted prudent lending practices and also consistent with the lender’s own policies, procedures and lending practices.
- The lender’s evaluation must address any financial or other credit weaknesses of the borrower and project and discuss risk mitigation requirements.
- The lender must analyze all credit factors to determine that the credit factors and guaranteed loan terms and conditions ensure guaranteed loan repayment.
- Credit factors to be analyzed include but are not limited to character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions.
What are the grant terms?
Renewable Energy System Grants:
- $2,500 minimum.
- $1 million maximum.
Energy Efficiency Grants:
- $1,500 minimum.
- $500,000 maximum.
Are there additional requirements?
- Applicants must provide matching funds if applying for a grant only.
- 50% Federal grant share limited to projects that meet one of the following:
- Project is a Renewable Energy System (RES), or RES retrofit that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, or Fluorinated Gases) at the project level.
- Project is located in an Energy Community as defined in 26 USC 45(b)(11)(B) and determined by the Department of the Treasury.
- Project is an Energy Efficiency Improvement (EEI).
- Is a project proposed from an eligible Tribal Corporation or other Tribal Business entity (including agriculture operations) as described in 7 CFR part 4280.
- All other projects are limited to 25% Federal grant share
- 50% Federal grant share limited to projects that meet one of the following:
- Applicants must provide at least 25 percent of the project cost if applying for loan.
- All projects must have technical merit and utilize commercially available technology.
- Energy efficiency projects require an energy audit or assessment.
- All projects require an environmental review prior to award or construction
How do we get started? Applications for this program are accepted year-round at your local office.
Who can answer questions?
Contact your State Rural Development Energy Coordinator
What law governs this program?
- Grants – Code of Federal Regulation, 7 CFR Part 4280 -- Loans and Grants
- Guaranteed Loans – Code of Federal Regulation, 7 CFR 5001.
- REAP is authorized by Title IX of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018.
Why does USDA Rural Development do this?
This program helps increase American energy independence by increasing the private sector supply of renewable energy and decreasing the demand for energy through energy efficiency improvements. Over time, these investments can also help lower the cost of energy for small businesses and agricultural producers.
NOTE: Because citations and other information may be subject to change, please always consult the program regulations listed in the section above titled “What law governs this program?” You may also contact your local office for assistance.
Rural Energy for America Program – New Jersey
New Jersey Policy Regarding Awarding State Director Points for Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement for Fiscal Years 2023 & 2024
The purpose of the REAP program is to provide grants, guaranteed loans, and grant and guaranteed loan combinations to help agricultural producers and rural small businesses reduce energy costs and consumption and helps meet the Nation’s critical energy needs.
Per 7 CFR Subsection 4280.121(h) and the REAP NOSA published on March 31, 2023, points for Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 may be awarded as follows:
State Director and Administrator priority points. The State Director or Administrator at their discretion may award up to 10 priority points maximum for projects which meet any of the following criteria:
(1) The application is for an under-represented technology.
(2) Selecting the application helps achieve geographic diversity, which may include points based upon the size of the funding request.
(3) The applicant is a member of an unserved or under-served population described as follows:
(i) Owned by a veteran, including but not limited to individuals as sole proprietors, members, partners, stockholders, etc., of not less than 20 percent. In order to receive points, applicants must provide a statement in their applications to indicate that owners of the project have Veteran status; or
(ii) Owned by a member of a socially-disadvantaged group, which are groups whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. In order to receive points, the application must include a statement to indicate that the owners of the project are members of a socially disadvantaged group.
(4) Selecting the application helps further a Presidential initiative or a Secretary of Agriculture priority.
(5) The proposed project is located in a Federally declared disaster area. Declarations must be within the last 2 calendar years.
(6) The proposed project is located in an area where 20 percent or more of its population is living in poverty, as defined by the United States Census Bureau, underserved community(ies) or has experienced long-term population decline, or loss of employment.
All projects that receive State Director or Administrator Points must be properly documented within the Guaranteed Loan System (GLS) as applicable.
Except for veteran and socially disadvantaged group status, all other priority points are based upon project location specific criteria which will be documented automatically by the Agency. State Director or Administrator priority points for a REAP application cannot exceed 10 points total.
Background: New Jersey has been successful administering the Rural Energy for American Program since its inception. Most of our applicants are primarily small business entities with a minority of agricultural producers having received grant awards. In addition, the overwhelming majority of awards have supported solar energy projects. Finally, the Agency’s goals include ensuring a higher proportion of available funds are utilized in underserved populations.
In addition to the State Director and Administrator priority points for criteria types 1 through 6, the New Jersey State Director at their discretion may award up to 10 discretionary points maximum for applications that meet any of the following project type criteria:
- Agricultural Producers as Applicants.
- Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects.
- Applicants located in Distressed & Underserved Communities*
*Reference Locations of Distressed and Disadvantaged Communities (
Guaranteed Loans:
NOTE: Please select your state in the dropdown menu above to find the state office contact information and speak to a program specialist before attempting to fill out any forms or applications. This will save you time in completing your application.
Rural Development has implemented the OneRD Guarantee Loan Program, view full program information at OneRD Guarantee Loan Program.
NOTE: If state specific forms are not shown above, please refer to the forms listed below to start the process of applying for a grant. Please speak to a Rural Development Energy Coordinators before attempting to fill out any forms or applications. This will save you valuable time in the process.
To complete an application for this program, you must be pre-registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) and also have a Unique Entity ID. Neither of these applications cost money, but they can take time so be sure to get this taken care of right away. If you are already registered with these systems, you do not need to do it again.
Program Regulation (pdf)
Accessing Forms
If you are using Google Chrome, your browser settings may require you to first download the form and then open the form.
If an error message populates when opening these forms, please follow these steps to resolve the error:
- Open your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Go to the menu and click “Edit”.
- Next click “Preferences” and under the “Categories” drop down select “General”.
- Under the General, uncheck the option “show online storage when saving files” and then click the OK button.
- RBCS How-To Apply Video Series for Applicants
- Form 4280-3A Total Project Costs of $80,000 or less
- Form 4280-3A Instructions | DOC | PDF
- E-Form 4280-3A
- Form RD 4280-3B Total Project Costs of less than $200,000 but more than $80,000
- Form RD 4280-3B Instructions | DOC | PDF
- E-Form 4280-3B
- Form RD 4280-3C Total Project Costs of $200,000 and greater
- Form RD 4280-3C Instructions | DOC | PDF
- E-Form 4280-3C
- Application for Federal Assistance - Form SF-424 (pdf)
- Budget Information - Construction Programs - Form 424-C (pdf)
- Assurances: Construction Programs - Form 424-D (pdf)
- Request for Environmental Information - Environmental Checklist (pdf)
- Renewable Energy Systems Vendor Certification
- Energy Efficiency Improvement Vendor Certification
Other Resources
Technical considerations for RBCS Renewable Energy System projects are available for the technologies listed below. The following documents are intended to clarify existing technical merit requirements under the law or Agency policies, including criteria outlined in 7 C.F.R. 4280-B and its appendices. The Agency encourages the use of these documents when developing an application.
Maryann Tancredi
Business Programs Director
521 Fellowship Rd., Suite 130
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Tel: (856)-787-7752
Fax: (855) 305-7343
Stephanie Bouchelle
Loan Specialist & Energy Coordinator
521 Fellowship Rd., Suite 130
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Tel: (856)-787-7765
Fax: (855) 305-7343
Webinar Events
REAP Renewable Energy Systems Technology | Link
Previous Webinars
USDA/NREL REAP Distributed Wind Energy Webinar: June 17, 2024 1:00 PM EST. Learned how distributed wind technologies can best contribute to rural businesses, including tips on submitting successful REAP wind applications.
USDA/NREL REAP Solar plus Battery Storage Webinar: July 17, 2024 3:00 PM EST. Learned how solar plus storage technologies can best contribute to rural businesses, including tips on submitting successful REAP solar plus battery storage applications.
- IRA REAP Webinar: April 4, 2023. Updates on funding available under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) after the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). | Webinar Recording
- REAP Stakeholder Call: January 9, 2023 | Webinar Recording