USDA Rural Development is proud to support United States Veteran Marine Roy Oliver through the Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants Program. Mr. Oliver served in the Marines guarding supplies of ammunition. Today, he is happily settled in Fairbury, Nebraska. His home still shows his pride in his service. A red, white, and blue windsock blows cheerfully on his porch. A sign proudly proclaiming that America is home to the free because of the brave hangs in his front window. When his roof was in need of repair, he worked with USDA Rural Development to make improvements to the property. Today, stepping into his cozy home, his passions are apparent: Broncos football and Elvis Presley. He now spends time watching football games and listening to his favorite albums in his warm, safe living room. USDA Rural Development staff members are available statewide to assist with the application process for additional applicants like Roy who can benefit from our programs. USDA offers both grants and loans. Learn more at rd.usda.gov/ne or contact the agency by email at SM.RD.NE.SFHQST@usda.gov or phone (402) 437-5551.